Legal Information
Details pursuant to Article 5 of the German Digital Services Act (Digitale-Dienste-Gesetz, DDG)
Details on Company:
Name/Legal Form: Pinegrove Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH (limited company)
Registered Seat and Registration: Registered seat in Eschborn, Local Court (Amtsgericht) of Frankfurt am Main, HRB 123390
Managing Director: Baek-Lim Whang
Address: Basler Straße 3, 61352 Bad Homburg v. d. Höhe,
VAT identification number: DE344206592
Competent bar association (Rechtsanwaltskammer): Rechtsanwaltskammer Frankfurt am Main, Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany (, which is also the competent supervisory authority
Professional rules and laws applicable to attorneys include the German Federal Lawyers’ Act (Bundesrechtsanwaltsordnung), the Rules of Professional Practice (Berufsordnung der Rechtsanwälte), the German Act on Lawyers’ Fees (Rechtsanwaltsvergütungsgesetz), the Rules of Professional Practice for Specialist Lawyers (Fachanwaltsordnung) and the Code of Conduct for European Lawyers. The above rules and laws can be found on the website of the Federal Bar (Bundesrechtsanwaltskammer) at under “Professional Rules” (“Berufsrecht”).
Professional liability insurance of the attorneys of the firm is provided by Markel Insurance SE, Sophienstr. 26, 80333 Munich, Germany, with worldwide coverage.
Baek-Lim Whang is a notary in Germany and member of the Chamber of Notaries of Frankfurt am Main (Notarkammer Frankfurt am Main), Bockenheimer Anlage 36, 60322 Frankfurt am Main.
Comptetent supervisory authority: President of the District Court of Frankfurt am Main, Gerichtsstraße 2, 60313 Frankfurt am Main
Professional rules and laws applicable to notaries (the German Federal Notaries’ Act (Bundesnotarordnung), the German Notarisation Act (Beurkundungsgesetz), the Rules of Professional Conduct for Notaries (Dienstordnung für Notarinnen und Notare), the German Court and Notary Fees Act (Gerichts- und Notarkostengesetz), the rules of the competent chambers of notaries and the European Codex of Notarial Professional Ethics (Europäischer Kodex des notariellen Standesrechts)) can be found at under “Professional rules” (“Berufsrecht”).
Professional liability insurance of the notary of the firm is provided by Nürnberger Allgemeine Versicherungs-AG, Ostendstraße 100, 90334 Nürnberg.
Online Dispute Resolution platform and Consumer Conciliation Procedures (Article 14 para 1 of the ODR-Ordinance and Act on Alternative Dispute Resolution in Consumer Matters):
The European Commission provides a platform for out-of-court dispute resolution, which can be found at
The competent consumer conciliation board in Germany for disputes over proprietary interests resulting from a client relationship is the Lawyers’ Meditation Board (Schlichtungsstelle der Rechtsanwaltschaft), Neue Grünstr. 17, 10179 Berlin,
Pinegrove Rechtsanwaltsgesellschaft mbH does not participate in procedures for dispute resolution before a consumer conciliation board.
No Liability for Contents: The contents on this website do not constitute legal advice. Any liability in connection with use of, or reliance on the accuracy of, the information or links contained on the website is excluded.
Applicable Law: This legal information and all issues and disputes regarding this website are governed by the laws of the Federal Republic of Germany.